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Zzangdol's Projects
Han Byul Jang started using PowerPoint when he was only 9 years old. Currently a high school student of Jeju Science High School in Jeju Island Korea,
he has many interests in Robotic Technologies. Han Byul Jang is a rising star, PowerPoint artist and animator in Korea's PowerPoint Expert Club (An online PowerPoint Community). Also known as Zzangdol in the community,
he can draw realistic anime characters (completely using PowerPoint's Freeform tool) and animate them all in PowerPoint.
Zzangdol's PowerPoint artworks are now hosted by PowerPoint Heaven so that you can see how Anime characters are drawn and animated in PowerPoint and take PowerPoint's Freeform to the expert level!
Thanks to Mr. Francis Lee, Admin of PowerPoint Expert Club, for introducing Zzangdol and recommending his works!
Note: For better quality and performance, you MUST enable the “Use Hardware Graphics Acceleration” feature (Click Slide Show > Set Up Show. Put a checkmark to
"Use Hardware Graphics Acceleration", Click Ok.).
Tips: To see how anime characters are being drawn, hold down Ctrl key and press 'A' to select all objects. Ungroup the autoshapes (right click on the character, select Grouping > Ungroup).Repeat this step
until you can't ungroup further. Then, right click on any of the Freeforms and select Edit Points.
- Rewrite - Click here to enter link
Rewrite is a PowerPoint Anime based on the future world, where the robotic science has evolved beyond humans' imagination.
its respective authors of this PowerPoint Anime, Han Byul Jang (Zzangdol), described the future world coming under the reign of Robots.
The protagonist in this work, is a scientist who does research and development on robots. After finishing a Robot development project, he makes a trip to a cafe he owns to think of new idea. Deep in thought, an idea struck upon him. That is, if human could send robots to fight for war instead.
All of a sudden, he saw a robot which declared war against the human race...
Rewrite is available in 3 languages: English, Traditional Chinese and Korean (Original version).
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Intro Animation Contest is a celebration contest held by Korea's PowerPoint Expert Club. Below are the submissions by Zzangdol for the contest.
- Intro Animation Contest 1

Date Published: August 27, 2007
here to download
Zzangdol's 1st submission for the Intro Animation Contest. The opening and ending of the show includes short anime scenes such as a female character running on a field. This submission is a perfect example on the use of PowerPoint's Entrance > Flash Once effect.
- Intro Animation Contest 2

Date Published: August 27, 2007
here to download
Zzangdol's 2nd submission for the Intro Animation Contest. The show portrays Zzangdol himself creating PowerPoint works and surfing through PowerPoint Expert Club.
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- Akiha Tohno
Date Published: October 22, 2006
here to download
Akiha Tohno is an anime character from Lunar Legend Tsukihime. This sample shows you Akiha
drawn using the Freeform tool in PowerPoint and animated with Emphasis > Teeter.
Tips: To see how Akiha is being drawn, hold down Ctrl key and press 'A' to select all objects. Ungroup the autoshapes (right click on Akiha, select Grouping > Ungroup).Repeat this step
until you can't ungroup further. Then, right click on any of the Freeforms and select Edit Points.
- Strolling
Date Published: October 22, 2006
here to download
This is a lively example of an anime character (Drawn using PowerPoint's Freeform tool) strolling on the street. Look at how the blinking eyes were animated!
- Gundam
Date Published: October 22, 2006
here to download
Gundam is a famous Action anime. In this sample, you will see how Gundam is being drawn using Freeform. And do you know? 760
Freeforms are used to complete this masterpiece!
- Evangelion 01
Date Published: August 27, 2007
here to download
Neon Genesis Evangelion is a popular Action anime. In this sample, you will see how Evangelionis 01 is being drawn using PowerPoint's Freeform tool.
- Chise
Date Published: August 27, 2007
here to download
Chise is an anime character (Part human, part machine) from SHE, The Ultimate Weapon. This sample shows Chise landing on the ground and firing from her weapon.
- Dokuro
Date Published: August 27, 2007
here to download
Dokuro Chan is an anime character from Club to Death Dokuro Chan. This sample shows Dokuro attacking with her Exaliborg (club).
- Mahoro
Date Published: August 27, 2007
here to download
Mahoro is an anime character from Mahoromatic: Automatic Maiden. This sample shows a speech presentation by Mahoro.
- Creepy Shelter
Date Published: August 27, 2007
here to download
You found an old and dilapidated shelter during a heavy rainfall. What's going to happen next? Click on the socks to find out more! (Not for the faint of heart)
- Password System
Date Published: August 27, 2007
here to download
This sample features 2 password systems created in PowerPoint. The password for the first device is 537, while the second one is 41706.
- Dove
Date Published: August 27, 2007
here to download
An extract from Zzangdol's Intro Animation Contest 2, this sample features several dove in flight.
- Vita
Date Published: January 01, 2008
here to download
This sample shows an anime character, Vita, fishing besides the pond.
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- Hit the target
Date Published: August 27, 2007
here to download
Hit the target is a PowerPoint shooting game. Your goal is to hit the Squirrels when you see them popping out from the grass. Press Enter to start the game.
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