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Yholl's Projects
Lee Cherry (Yholl), began using PowerPoint since Year 2003. He is a big fan of the Japanese manga, Dragon Ball, and is the creator of The Howard Chronicles (A parody of Dragon Ball Z).
He specializes in drawing manga characters using PowerPoint and most of his works revolve around Dragon Ball.
Yholl also has a deviantART account where he showcases his amazing works.
Yholl's PowerPoint Artworks are now hosted by PowerPoint Heaven so that you can see how Dragon Ball characters are drawn in PowerPoint!
Tips: To see how these Dragon Ball characters are being drawn in PowerPoint, hold down Ctrl key and press 'A' to select all objects. Ungroup the autoshapes (right click on the character, select Grouping > Ungroup). Repeat this step
until you can't ungroup further. Then, right click on any of the Freeforms and select Edit Points.
- Dragon Ball

Date Published: August 08, 2007
here to download
Dragon Ball Artwork in PowerPoint featuring some of the main characters found in Dragon Ball anime. The characters are (From left to right): Vegeta, Piccolo, Krillin, Trunks, Son Goku (in the center), Yamcha, Gohan, Tien, and Chiaotzu.
Tips: To see how these characters are being drawn, hold down Ctrl key and press 'A' to select all objects. Ungroup the autoshapes (right click on the face, select Grouping > Ungroup). Repeat this step
until you can't ungroup further. Then, right click on any of the Freeforms and select Edit Points.
- Broly
Date Published: August 08, 2007
here to download
Broly is the first Super Saiyan born in more than a thousand years and has an unusually high level of strength for a Saiyan. The incredible strength has thus marked him as being the Legendary Super Saiyan.
The sample shows a full view of Broly and a close view of Broly grinning.
- Omega Lee
Date Published: August 08, 2007
here to download
PowerPoint Artworks showing Omega Lee from The Howard Chronicles. The sample shows a regular form of Omega Lee and Omega Lee, Final Fate.
- Super Vegito
Date Published: August 08, 2007
here to download
Vegito is the result of the potara fusion of Son Goku and Vegeta. He is considered the most powerful character in Dragon Ball Z (DBZ). The sample shows Super Vegito's Banshee Blast.
- Frieza
Date Published: August 08, 2007
here to download
Frieza is the strongest supervillain in Dragon Ball and is responsible for the destruction of Planet Vegeta along with almost all of the Saiyan race. The sample shows Frieza Form 4.
- Cooler
Date Published: August 08, 2007
here to download
Cooler is the elder brother of Freeza, and a son of King Cold. The sample shows the fifth form of Cooler, which has four horns grown to form a crown on his head, spikes on his forearms, and a mask that hides his facial features.
- Android #19
Date Published: August 08, 2007
here to download
Android #19 is a servant and bodyguard created by Dr. Gero, former chief scientist of the Red Ribbon Army and mad scientist supervillain.
- Super Android #13
Date Published: August 08, 2007
here to download
Android #13 is an artificial human created by Dr. Gero. He has an Southern accent and wears Southern-style clothing. He evolved into a Super Android after absorbing the components of defeated Android #14 and #15.
- Super Gotenks Buu
Date Published: August 08, 2007
here to download
Super Gotenks Buu is the result after Super Buu absorbed the power of Gotenks. The sample shows a full view of Super Gotenks Buu.
- Super Gohan Buu
Date Published: August 08, 2007
here to download
Super Gohan Buu is the result after Super Buu absorbed the power of Gohan. The sample shows a close view of Super Gohan Buu.
- Perfect Cell
Date Published: August 08, 2007
here to download
Cell is the most dangerous of all Dr. Gero's creations. He was created in Dr. Gero's laboratory as a genetic experiment. Cell has three forms: the imperfect form, the second stage of Cell, and the Perfect Cell.
- Zangya
Date Published: August 08, 2007
here to download
Zangya is the only female villain in Bojack's team.
- The 18th
Date Published: August 08, 2007
here to download
The 18th is a fanfiction of Dragon Ball Z. The characters shown in this sample are (From left to right): Frieza, Krillin, Piccolo, Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu.
- Howard Chronicles
Date Published: August 08, 2007
here to download
Yholl is the creator of Howard Chronicles, a parody adapted from Dragon Ball Z. The sample shows the characters featured in Howard Chronicles such as Destructo Ash and Vashimarco.
- Miscellaneous Artworks
Date Published: August 08, 2007
here to download
Miscellaneous artworks created by Yholl.
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