================================== Birthday Room Walkthrough by tohlz Sunday 25th September 2005 ================================== ======== Prologue ======== It was a fine afternoon… the day just after your birthday. You woke up and realize that your friends are all gone… They invited you to a room and gave you a surprise yesterday. It was the happiest moment in your life. Just as you are about to leave the room, you realize a bigger surprise… ========= Objective ========= The room is dead locked, your friends are gone. You have no idea why. You tried searching for an exit, but to no avail. Soon, you realize that it wasn’t as hard as what you have thought. There seems to be a sequence that you will have to figure it out. ================== Hint for the start ================== The bigger surprise that your friends have given you was to lock you up in their house. Though the room is dead locked, you realize a sequence into escaping the room. According to the objective, you will need to uncover an unknown item. To achieve that, you will need to think of ways into getting that item. You will soon realize that you have already gotten an answer at the start. You can read this walkthrough to know why. You are highly recommended not to continue unless you have really no idea on how to go about it and have spent hours trying to figure it out. Playing through the game, you may get frustrated when you can't figure a way out. At this moment, stop and think carefully. Wait for all the messages to disappear during the in-game before you carry on clicking on another item. One click at a time. The messages represent 'your' ('You' and 'Your' stands for the character in the game) thoughts. Only when 'you' have finish thinking, 'you' can start doing the next thing. Also note that you are not allowed to save your game, hence, it is important to remember the steps if you are thinking of playing at a later time. =========== Walkthrough =========== 1. Start by clicking on the handle of the ceiling light. You will realize that the room went dark. Do not fear. Look at the message, it says that 'you' saw a dim object. The dim object is actually the key for unlocking the door. The objective stated that 'you' already know about the sequence because sun is rising (this part is a little hard to figure out though). On the other hand, the light is still on. Because the key is a 'glow-in-the-dark' key, it gives off a dim light during the dark. The light was dim because the key was behind a curtain and photograph. By switching off the light, it reveals the exact location of the key. 2. off the light again, and wait for a few seconds (You normally don't expect a lamp or bulb to light up immediately after switching them on). 3. See a card lying on the floor? Click on it and you will receive a message telling you to try harder. This message has given you a hint that there is actually a way get out of the room. Put back the card by pressing 'X' at the right hand corner of the card. 4. Now, click on the door, you will realize that the door is locked. Don't worry, head for another direction rather than sticking to unlocking the door. 5. Since you have already seen the dim light, click on the curtain to see what happen. 6. 'You' figure out that something is behind the curtain. Clicking again will get the same message. 7. Be persistant and click on it until you are able to remove the curtain. When the curtain is removed, it reveals a portrait of your friend... but no one cares :) 8. Click on the black color signboard. 'You' realize that the signboard is screwed to the wall. 9. Since it is screwed to the wall, you will need to take off the signboard. But how? 10. Underneath the table, there is a screwdriver. Pick it up so that it adds to your inventories. 11. Now, click on the screwdriver in the inventories. Notice the two screws that have been screwed to the signboard? Click on one of them to remove the screws. Be sure to read the message ('Your thoughts') before moving on. 12. Next, click on the signboard again. 13. 'You' discover a keyhole with a wire casing that leads to the portrait. There must be some mechanisms that control the portrait. You will need to find a key that move the portrait away. 14. Move on to the cupboard, you will be able to see trophies and a lighter. Don't bother about the trophies because they are just a distraction. 15. Click on the lighter to add it to your inventories. 16. Now, look at the table. Don't bother trying to click on the candles because it will remain useless as long as you don't have a lighter to light them up. 17. Click on the lighter in the inventories, to light it up. Point your mouse at the candles and click on it. This will light up the candles. The candles will then be added to your inventories automatically. 18. Click on a hole besides the door, 'you' then realize that it is a mouse hole. Peeping through the hole, 'you' can't see anything inside. 19. Now, click on the candles and point towards the hole. Click on the hole which 'you' will then place the candles on the floor, right besides the mouse hole. 20. A greyish object appears. Don't panic because it is not a mouse. Upon looking at it carefully, 'you' realize that there is a key deep inside. You need something long to drag the key out. 21. Next to the candles are the cake and fork. 'You' will notice that there is a strawberry leftover. Unfortunately, you can't eat it. 22. Click on the fork and add it to your inventories. 'Your' feeling tells you that the fork was longer than those 'you' normally used. This is a hint telling you that the fork is not for you to pick up the strawberry and eat it. Instead, you will need to use it to obtain your first key. 23. Here comes the crucial part. Before you click on the fork in your inventories, 'you' will need to try getting the key with 'your' bare hand. Without doing so, 'you' will not know that the key is deep inside the hole. Hence, not knowing what the fork is for, you will not be able to drag the key out even if you have obtained it. 24. To achieve this, click on the mouse hole once. This shows up a message saying that 'you' can't reach the key. 25. Now, click on the fork and place your pointer at the greyish key inside the mouse hole. 26. Don't be too happy yet. The key is meant for the portrait mechanism's keyhole, not the door. 27. Click on the key and insert it into the portrait mechanism's keyhole. This will activate the mechanism, which will move the portrait. 28. When the portrait moves away, it reveals a secret compartment. The key inside is the one that glows when you switch off the light. You can double check by switching off the light again. 29. Now, click on the luminance key to add it to your inventories. 30. Lastly, click on the luminance key in your inventories. Then, click on the keyhole of the door. The screen will then black out bringing you to somewhere... ====== Ending ====== Darkness… why? You see all darkness… But you felt glad that you have gotten out of the room. What’s going to happen next? No one knows… To be continued... ======= Credits ======= Birthday Room Saturday 24th September 2005 Done By: tohlz Animation By: tohlz Inspiration By: Crimson Room Music: Dreamspell Music By: Icebergslim Sound FX: Flashkit.com Birthday Room is created entirely using PowerPoint. The game, Birthday Room, is subject to copyright of PowerPoint Heaven. For the use of this game, please contact tohlz at PowerPoint Heaven. Visit PowerPoint Heaven for more animations and related stuff on PowerPoint: http://pptheaven.mvps.org THE END ================== End of Walkthrough ==================